also ITS NOT THAT HARD TO NOT KILL SOMEONE IF A MF OS HANDCUFFED ON THE GROUND WITH 3 OTHER MF COPS THERE HES NOT A THREAT you couldve at least took your fucking knee off his neck and dont even try to say it was a mistake or an accident
was it an accident when trayvon martin was shot and killed by an off duty officer who not only killed someones child because he “thought he had a gun” BUT then was acquitted of all charges was it an accident when Breonna Taylor was essentially broken into by -
police and THEN SHOT 8 mf times you can say what you want but the facts are there another thing go search and look up people in ny or people in cali “protesting” corona and all that shit BUT the minute black people start protesting MURDER against our people
the police wanna protect the officer that is a murder and tear gas and pepper spray people who are angry and want change and not just change justice too if a black man went and killed someone police officer or not do you think he’d be sitting at home with his family ?
for example this is officer firing “non lethals” at protesters for a man who was murdered
this is a continuation of this thread
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