Just a FYI. Y’all are really showing your ableist asses. Listen. Chick in the wheelchair was wrong AF! FOH stabbing Black folks. HOWEVER... these tweets of “she can walk” are ableist. #AmbulatoryWheelchairUsersExist I use a wheelchair/scooter & I can walk. I’m not faking either.
Seeing so many people who I admired, worked with or fangirl’d who share these ableist takes makes me think of wth do y’all REALLY THINK about disabled people.
Y’all *DO KNOW* that you can rip someone online WITHOUT talking shit about mental illness, ableism and body size right? Cuz the way y’all shit talk T**mp call him all types of ableist derogatory terms yet the next breath y’all say you’re dealing w/mental health issues.
Disappointed at this point and honestly, if I see ANY takes from people I follow on here or RTd on my TL, I’m reporting you for harassment against a group of people + blocking you.

Cuz what you’re doing is making it harder for disabled folx who use mobility aides.
And y’all know for a FUCKN FACT how I feel about this.

As many times as I’ve shared the lack of ramps at panels I’m asked to be on, you should know better than that.

I use a walker/wheelchair, I can also walk & climb steps w/o them, it doesn’t mean I don’t need my aides.
For you ableist jackasses out there with your “She can walk” takes, this is for you. A video by disabled activist @annieelainey #AmbulatoryWheelchairUsersExist
How many of your grandparents out there uses scooters to get around the mall, Target, Walmart, grocery stores, Disneyland, etc with scooters/rascals/hoverrounds, but can walk in their home without them.

Do you call them fakers? Would you react if someone called them out for it?
Every day many of you show your ableism — whether it’s the use of derogatory words, inspirational videos, how you act in public, to this trending topic — & disabled people are ALWAYS checking you. Guess what? We’re FUCKN tired!

Now we gotta educate ableist asses while mourning.
If you’re someone who RTd/agreed/liked tweets like these you’re ableist. You need to check yourself, apologize for your ignorance, learn how to NOT be an ableist jackass, and follow disabled activists like @VilissaThompson @annieelainey @Imani_Barbarin @coffeespoonie @SFdirewolf
That last one of “she can walk, she chooses not to” irks my soul.

I’m 98% sure if we could walk with no problems — knee giving out, hip dislocating, ankles buckling, spine throbbing, lack of balance, dead leg nerves, etc — we wouldn’t use a scooter/wheelchair.

I can climb steps @home -in agony-but I CHOOSE to not hurt myself @cons where I sit in a hard chair for 10 hours a day for 3-4 days, so if you ask me to be on a panel I EXPECT a ramp.

I’m not CHOOSING a scooter cuz I can’t walk/climb steps it’s to make it easier 4 me @cons.
I have more to say on this subject, but I’m tired of writing for free. Who’s looking for pitches? I’d love to discuss this and get paid.

If you know of anyone or you are that someone please tag yourself or share.

I’m still waiting for you ableds to call your grandparents, aunts and uncles out for using canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooters, when they know full and damn well, they “choose to not walk, when they can”.
You can follow @MizTeeFranklin.
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