Hero teachers1: I’ve never liked the word vocation. There used to be a cartoon with a darkened tower block. 1 window lit. 2am. ‘Must be a teacher!’ was the caption. Don’t like that. Teachers have partners, families. If 60 plus hours presented as ‘good practice’ damaging imo.
Hero2: we have great holidays, good salaries compared to many. Term time can be intense. Too much marking. Policies that don’t work. Poor behaviour. In some schools that’s crushing. I often wonder why teachers in those circumstances stay. Yet they do. Financial pressure I suspect
Hero3. In right school it’s a joy! Kids fun to be around. U love your subject. U laugh a lot. Policies work. A 45 to 50 hour week should be possible for teachers. That’s still intense. But when u enjoy what u do & feel it’s significant, that’s ok. Still, with own kids, intense.
Hero4: if we were, as a sector, more focussed on effective teaching, effective culture, effective workload, suspect could attract more to teaching. From 20s to 30s etc our lives, priorities change. If we’re sold ‘hero’ status at start of career will be disappointed I fear.
Hero5: if teachers trained to be preemptive, predictable, to keep things simple, to draw on their own experience of learning, would make job easier I suspect. Getting to autopilot is nice. Teaching teachers simple strategies to deal with the predictable would make lives easier.
Hero6: observation culture v often damaging. I think there’s lots of potential in watching videos of charismatic teachers with memorable delivery but gimmick free. We can watch, unpick key elements that make them special & try to develop that in ourselves.
Hero7: I do think teaching is performance. There are different types of performer. But I think persona one presents has to be deliberate, conscious & with a clear intent. Sometimes, I fear, in tough schools, teacher persona based on self preservation. Horrible place to be.
Hero8: Being observed & critiqued can feel very personal. And who’s observing & how good a teacher are they? Critique can erode confidence. I guess it’s about trust levels in a school & faith in leaders.
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