just a few thoughts about racism and police brutality: im not black, therefore the conversation is not about me. or my race. its about a GLOBAL system (not just america) systemically oppressing black people.
now, while it is important to not shift the conversation or steal the narrative, the system favours non-black people. THIS is why it’s important to not stay silent regardless of your race.
I feel it is my responsibility to speak up for those who don’t have a voice, feel misrepresented, or threatened by any criminal justice system.
some people in this world (myself included) have the privilege of waking up without even CONSIDERING that a policeman could kill them for no reason that day. Entire communities live in fear of a force which is supposed to protect citizens, not murder them in broad daylight.
if you choose to stay silent, not raise awareness, sign a petition, ANYTHING. you’re making a problem out of your privilege. Having privilege is not an issue, not using it for the greater good is.
anyways, now for the actual useful part of this thread: if you want to help, sign this petition to jail the monsters that comitted this murder http://chng.it/QzLYQqKf 
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