hello if no one knows what pr1defaII is , it's an alt right targeting thing where they're doxxing lgbt ppl during the month of june. here's some things you can do to stay safe :
1. turn off location services for twitter if you have ever turned them on.
2. priv your account. any account that you have mentioned being lgbt+ on (insta, twt, tiktok, etc) please please go private.
3. delete all your tweets/posts mentioning being lgbt+ if u stay public
4. take your prns out of ur bio. i know this is extreme, but if you feel like you need to be completely safe, please please take prns out of ur bio.
5. close ur dms ‼️ pls
6. if u need, please take a break from any social media u need. this is for u.
i feel sick that pride month has sent us into hiding , but i want you all to be as safe as possible
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