I felt The Lord speak to me several years ago:

“You will never know me outside of prayer and My Word.”

Now my desire to preach is MUCH less than my desire to truly know Jesus.

Unpopular. 🤷🏾‍♂️but I refuse to sacrifice intimacy with Him on the altar of popularity among you.
10 years into my walk with Jesus - I’m at a point where all I want is to know Him.
Yes, I have gifts, talents, a calling, His anointing on my life and some of those have brought me to large platforms to minister in various capacities and at times gained a lot of acknowledgement
But, what good is it to have a ministry affluent in the miraculous and the applause of man if I’ve failed to die to my will, take up my cross, follow Jesus and truly know Him?
Have I TRULY done the will of God?
No matter where “my ministry” takes me, how much room my gift makes for me, and how many people “love” me:

It’s all superficial if at the end ; I stand before God and all I have to show for myself is

“This person said I was anointed”
“This person said I sang really well”
I guess what I’m really saying at 5:01 AM is:

I just want to know Jesus and He alone.

If my own accolades won’t validate me in judgement:
“Lord, Lord haven’t I cast out devils in your name....”

then I’m certain yours won’t either.

It’s 5:04 AM ,

AJ out 🤷🏾‍♂️
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