i don’t believe god would put us on a planet without being able to discover IT within ourselves. our own minds. when u immediately go outward from birth ofc you’re gonna seek god in the material world. but god isn’t material. he’s not a he or a thing. it literally transcends
words. words are a creation of human. so is every idea and concept you’ve ever learned. human ideas. go explore the world you were given. given at the price of your life. discover god within. it’s fulfilling. the most fulfilling. it gives everything purpose.
i could honestly go on forever about it because a infinite. infinity is crazy man. if you believe the universe is infinite but also there are things that are impossible you’re literally contradicting your own ideas. the turmoil that lives within is only because our ideas have no
grounding outside themselves. question everything. question yourself. question your govt. question your society. question your family. question everything. broaden your mind. it’s a finite infinity that exists within the greater infinity of the universe. if that’s not fucking
awesome, i don’t know what is. life itself is such a beauty and joy and even i lose sight of that. but with it comes back in sight and i can hold onto it, i’m eternally happy. people say you can’t be happy all the time. i think you can. it’s j difficult when you let your
circumstances determine you’re emotions. isn’t that a little ridiculous. the you that exists within ur head(the real you, the only you) isn’t affected by anything material. it j reacts. and reacts and reacts. and we’ve assumed this is life. life is the awareness itself.
if you weren’t awAre you wouldn’t even be able to react. but the more you become aware the less your inclined to react. because it’s all j one big heart. beating to sustain itself. the universe exists so you can. that’s love. it’s all love. hate is love dwindled down to a small
perspective. “hate” exists within love the same way “finite” exists within infinity. the same way “nothing” is a part of everything. everything includes nothing bc it’s everything. one love man. it’s so easy to hate. and be violent towards actions and ideas we oppose. you know
what’s hard to do? love someone in spite of said actions or ideas. open their mind j as they opened yours. words were created to share ideas not destroy them. and it seems everyone or most people at least have lost sight of this. america is a just a dog chasing it’s tail over
and over again. revisiting the same problems and remaining stagnant while aging. it’s like people associate age with validity and change. time doesn’t cause chase. fuck times not even real. another human concept. lemme touch in this actually. have you ever experienced any moment
other than the present? obviously not. (rhetorical) the present is the only thing that’s ever existed ever. the past and future are products of imagination. it’s just when we all agree on the same imaginary things we call them facts. as vessels for consciousness we experience
duality. when life is really nondual. go explore for yourself rather than shunning ideas. what more do you have to do? get money? sheeeeeeeeeep. wake up or be a cog in the system. and then wonder why your unhappy. experiencing things for yourself is the only way you can prove
them. i don’t exist outside of ur head the same way you don’t exist outside of mine. reality is infinite consciousness and imagination. why limit urself. limiting urself in an infinity. that’s america. when you’re given complete freedoms you’re free to restrict yourself. think.
be conscious. our society favors those in lower conscious. but once u see ourside of society? well. doors don’t open up. you doors don’t even exist. until you make them. we function on such a low level of consciousness. be an exile. it’s lonely but fulfilling. the best kind of
loneliness is when you don’t even feel alone. because that’s not even a concern. you think god gets lonely? you’ve prolly never even considered it selfish bastard. i kid. anyway. one love. i like giving advice because i’m able to see things not as the victim or perpetrator.
all we’re doing is playing roles and being things. we’re all j actors doing our best impression of ourself. our conceived self. when you realize that it doesn’t actually exist it can be jarring. what some may call “crazy” but if your crazy to me and i’m crazy to you. who’s crazy?
it’s all about perspective man. i mean all of it. there’s absolutes but those are beyond most people’s mental comprehension at this level of consciousness. i don’t say any of this to say i’m above or better than anyone. we’re all equally valueless.
my own parents can’t even see outside of this. stuck in the system. i don’t want to become another stat. another rat in the maze with no exit. i like to smoke weed. never harmed nobody. neither have i. but because of our agreed past and “laws” i can go to jail for it.
is that not ridiculous? everytime i’ve had a smoke sesh and we been chillen vibing it comes to mind that we could go to jail for it. such a harmless thing. i’m not saying everyone should smoke. but those that chose to aren’t going to beat their kids and crash their car. they
might beat a bowl of doritos and crash on the couch tho ngl. ion think imma stay in america when i’m older. there’s j no escaping. how can you live for yourself when you’re taxed for property no one owns? it’s ridiculous. and we don’t even see it. transcend man. one love.
it goes on foreve j like this thread lmao. there’s j infinite thoughts the be thought and i want to think as many of them as i can right now. now is eternal. your brain exists in your skull. there’s no light or sound or feelings or nun. it’s j a mush thing in some bone.
our sense are our brains way of perceiving the external. the thing is we consider ourselves separate from it. but where’s the line between nature and anything else. we are a part of nature. we j have a very selfish agenda. everyone does. and i’m not saying of this is bad per se
it’s just silly imo. chasing ur tail. i like to ask “does the brain exist in imagination or visa versa?” most people are quick to shoot me a face like i’m stupid and say “obviously the imagination exists within the brain” but i propose a second question.”how the fuck do u know?”
i can’t even discuss most of theses ideas with people because they scoff at them. it’s astonishing how blissful it is to be ignorant. nothing i’ve said is untrue. are u still offended? why? i’ve no ill intention or mal intent. i’m j expressing my ideas. but see because my ideas
don’t align with yours, you feel attacked. i could get into egos and shit but that’s j my own haha. anyway if anyone reads this whole j know your loved. and if youre goin through a rough patch “this too shall pass” like evey storm. like every winter. it’ll pass. one love man.
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