Desperate Housewives watch thread 🤩
1x01 lets go!
Oh my god I didn’t know someone was gonn DIE on the first episode
Omg those twins were in cheaper by the dozen 😂
Bree telling them she needed the baskets back 😂
I can’t listen to Teri Hatcher without thinking about Coraline 😭
Susan is my current fave but I’m only 11mins in
The way she’s in the pool in her heels 😭😭😂
Hahaha Susan’s daughter going to the guy’s house I love this 😭😂
This is the second time I’m watching a show and the character I’m most drawn to is played by the actor who supposedly had beef with their co-stars 😭😂
What is it with Americans having voiceovers in shows nsnsns at least it’s not SJP this time
Aw my god I wanna SMACK Edie
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