I'm one of the founders of NextUp a subscription channel for recorded live comedy. We also live stream to multiple platforms. I'm also one of the founders of @we_burnbright. The other day we commissioned 5 plays, and had 11 actors performing live plus @toriallenmartin MCing.1/4
All from different locations, to a paying crowd of 200. I'm also a forever 'emerging' writer and am devastated by what's happening in theatre right now. I've worked in video on demand for 5 years, and some theatre's approaches to going digital are baffling me. 2/4
I haven't been invited to any Zoom calls (not complaining tbh), but if any of these theatres did want a chat about digital I can talk to some of it and I know people who know a LOT more. I have one Big Idea of how it could work to benefit companies big and small 3/4
but it would require collaboration and pooling of funds. Not saying I have the answers, more I just hope that the powers that be are talking to people who really know the space and are thinking long term for the good of true accessibility and everyone having a voice.
You can follow @sarahhenleyuk.
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