The problem I have right now is this. I want to be able to live a happy and fulfilling life. I want others to do that too. I also see the reality of the world and I think about all the struggles right now. Then I see those who could help do nothing or actively prevent that help.
Then I start getting angry andi think, I've got to say something. Then I feel awkward for getting angry because maybe that spoiled someone's life something. Then I start to wonder that if maybe I wasnt angry things would improve naturally. Then I realise that's bullshit.
Then I think maybe if I cant find anything good to say I should be quiet for a while and calm down because it's not attractive to people. Then I think fuck that shit people are dying, literally dying because of other people's greed. Then I have a massive debate about if greed... part of out evolutionary makeup and we cannot avoid what the world is. Then I remember we have choices.

Every time I pick up twitter these days it makes me shake inside.
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