The Bosphorus is named after a woman condemned by another woman for her husband's infidelity.

We are told that Hera - Queen of the Gods, Goddess of Marriage and Birth - was jealous and vindictive. Her husband, Zeus, cheated on her always.

So she punished the women. Not Zeus.
Io was a beautiful priestess that Zeus decided he wanted. Io rejected him, but Zeus forced her circumstances.

Zeus knew of his wife's wrath - he knew it well. So he turned Io into a cow to hide her from Hera. But Hera found out.
Hera sent a gadfly after Io, and Io wandered the earth and crossed the river between Asia and Europe to try escaping it. The Bosphorus means "ford/strait of the cow". Io was the cow.

She swam across the sea, too. Now known as the Ionian Sea.
Hera tortured Io into madness. She turned Callisto into a bear. She had Semele murdered. These are just a few of Zeus's "conquests" - ones he pursued in lust, and use his godly powers to trick or coerce into being with him. Sometimes he just raped them.

Hera punished the women.
Hera is remembered as a wrathful woman. A vengeful goddess. They say she has little redeeming qualities.

Zeus is remembered as the all powerful god of gods. He even punished and humiliated Hera for her jealousy.
The hero Perseus defeated the gorgon Medusa. It is less known that Athena helped him in his quest.

Athena transformed a beautiful nymph into Medusa as punishment for sleeping with Poseidon - or for saying she was more beautiful than Athena.

Athena did not punish Poseidon.
It is said that Athena feared Poseidon. Athena - the Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare.

Poseidon was one of the big 3. A Big God.
We see in history and in mythology that men are not held accountable for their actions. Not even gods by goddesses.

Hera punished the women involved for Zeus's infidelity. The God of Marriage, leaving a legacy to follow.
I've just been thinking about this. How women punished women, how women still punish women.

It is easier. It is easier to punish those with less power. And it is easier to hate on the women who rage, to remember only the punishment they inflicted, divorced of how it came to be.
It's a millennia of gaslighting & power imbalance. From the earliest fathoming of social reason to current dramas & storytelling. This is the only story we are allowed.

Like the river that follows a set path, we flow through this discourse cut for us by centuries of violence.
We flow through the Bosphorus.

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