Understandably, my timeline is mostly teachers talking about educational-related things and UK politics. However, my top trending is Black Lives Matter and Justice for George Floyd. All issues are important to me because they all affect me in some way.
Talk of race is uncomfortable for many and I know many will scroll past my posts without a second thought. With BLM trending time and time again, when is it time to have the uncomfortable conversations?
At a previous school I worked at, I was one of only 2 black teachers. 90% of students were British. I was called a n**** and a black b***** by students and the school did nothing. Students like that will continue to say things like that unless others are willing to speak out.
We as teachers have the power to use our voices and make a change. Just because something doesn't personally affect you doesn't mean you shouldn't care. If you have privilege- be it racial, wealth or gender- then use it to help others.
#edutwitter and @Team_English1 the questions I ask:
1. Do topics about race make you uncomfortable?
2. Do you have conversations about race with your students?
3. Do you have any anti-racism activities or lessons you can share with others?
You can follow @MissCRevision.
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