this situation is so disturbing. Why does this keep happening ??? i hate how everytime there’s another innocent victim we all get upset over it and it seems like people care for a few days until the hashtags stop trending and then they act as if nothing ever happend. and THATS +
the fucking problem. it is NORMALIZED for black people to get MURDERED by the police. it happens way to often and there is no action taken. I hate how there’s nothing i can do as a teenager in sweden i feel like i’m also just letting this happen. idk if speaking about it helps. +
but it is so fucked up and disturbing that all of these innocent black people are dying so easily. what would happen if it was reversed?? the cop was black and the victim white?? i’ll tell you what would happen. The cop would probably get arrested for murder immediately
this is so messy but i’m so angry and tired of the clear discrimination and racism when it comes to cases like this (and in general). THEY ARE FUCKING INNOCENT. THE COP IS A MURDERER.
it’s 2020 there should be some fucking progress but no this keeps happening to this day and it sometimes feel like america gets more racist and racist as the years pass but i guess it’s always been fucking racist but now it’s on camera and we’re all watching.
idk what the point of this thread is i just lost hope in humanity but i swear to god i hope i will live to see the day action is taken and there’s a difference in society. White people are murdering black people but getting away with it simply because they’re wearing a uniform.
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