Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem.
I couldn't give an immediate response yesterday, as I was tagged by @faisalokomori to a an issue raised by @tenithetailor. I didn't have a response. Alhamdulillah I can make few submissions as of this moment.

1. The first issue to deal with is that of 'OBSESSION". This is a whole topic on it's own, and without highlighting the risks involved in this "Killer Reaction", one may not be ready to receive and digest whatever preaching that follows.

Obsession with anything at all is a....
term that a Muslim must always try as much as possible to avoid. It creates am entirely alternative realities for a person, so much that one looses touch with the moral foundation of humanity itself. It's a root cause to a lot of problems.

This is so especially with "LOVE".
One should never allow one's desires to lead one into obsessiveness and its accompanying negative impacts.

In loving a person, be it parents, wife, husband, child, brother, or something; money, wealth, materials e.t.c, the moment one makes those aforementioned objects of ...
obsession, one is likely never to be satisfied with life. Because, obsession will always make you think you are not having enough.
It's the same thing that I observe is currently a problem amongst us youths especially.

I notice an OBSESSION with LOVE itself.
More like we ...
have objectified 'love' and made in a separate entity on its own. We have given it a soul of its own.

As such, we expect it to respond to us like it lives, then throw our expectations at it, and continue to wish and wish and wish.

Therefore, when the next ready person comes...
into our lives, we demand from "LOVE" (now an object) what we have imagined, but because the reality is different from shadows, we now begin to experience disappointments and sadness.

Our partners will then never be good enough. Because they can't fit into our obsession.
It's a deep menace!.

Same is obsession with life and pursuits of mundane shadows.

May Allah heal us.

2. The scholars on the issue of a woman cutting her hair.

The summary of the answers given by scholars of Islam, both firsts and contemporaries, is that ....
Without genuine, apparent conditions, a woman is not allowed to cut their hair.
(سواء أكان نهي تحريم أو للكراهة)

The Hadith in AtTirmidhi and Annasaai' makes it clear that Rasul Alayhi-s-Salam forbids the cutting of a woman.
This can also be found in Attabari's..
3. What are the conditions?

A disease or ailments could necessitate the complete scrapping of the hair of a woman. If in order to treat such, it would mean scrapping, then it's permissible.

Hajj and Umrah - The Hadith of Abu Dawud makes it clear that what a woman does..
TRIMMING DOWN, not barbing.
(ليس علي النساء حلق و إنما يفصرن)

The Shaafi's and Hanabilas however, make it permissible for such woman who intendd to Barb her hair for the sole reason of growing a new, stronger, fuller one immediately after. No permanent cut.

In general,..
Islam takes a serious, firm and solid stance against any of both genders doing anything at all that displays any form of similarities with the opposite gender.

Rasul Alayhi-s-Salam used لعن
(لعن الله المتشبهات من النساء بالرجال و المتشبهات من الرجال بالنساء).

Rasul Alayhi-s-Salam places Allah's wrath on women and men who try to act similar to the opposite gender.

Moreso, Islam regards the beauty of women and places high premiums on her adornment. It would not permit any form of distortions to such natural creation.

It's also ...
one of the promises of shaytan to command weak ones to do is biddings and change Allah's creation.

Don't forget i mentioned times when she is allowed to.
Islam is a complete religion.

ThIs thread is meant not just for you readers, but for me too.
I am preaching for myself.
Thank you @faisalokomori and @tenithetailor for opening a learning platform for us to learn from.
Jazakumullahu khairan.

N:B: الله أعلم

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