I’m so sad seeing more murder within the POC community.
Angry at the ‘Chinese’ for bringing the ‘virus’?? That ain’t their fault
Black people shouldn’t be terribly handled just bc of their skin tone.
Spanish people seen as aliens and drug lords.
Muslims aren’t all terrorists.
I’m just tired of how many individuals were placed as hashtags but no change has ever really been done within the government, police force and education within schools about these problems.
My heart goes out to those who were lost bc of hate. I hope we can come to a conclusion.
I wish for a world that can understand skin is only a color. We were all born on earth with the same bodily structure we call ourselves HUMAN.

Living is already hard enough with all the illnesses, school, money, and work.
With the wicked people in the world still having power//
I see no way these behaviors will be demolished.

Thank you for reading my tangent LOL
#GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatters #POC
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