some quick tips for people who aren't familiar with 4chan and their shenanigans because i see a lot of scared people here. (thread)
1. look out for account creation dates. did they recently follow you without you posting a promo or a popular tweet? block them.
2. look out for extravagant bios, listing many privileges and disprivileges.
3. a good bio to look at (at least in my opinion) is this one, it might be hard for someone who hasn't been on the internet for years to decipher but there are some coded words in this bio AND the username.
4. watch out for the numbers eighty eight and fourteen eighty eight, as these are common nazi dogwhistles. you can see repeated use of these in this bio. also look at the location, which is christchurch, where a mass shooting took place.
5. another thing that personally sucks ass about 4chan is that they fucking love to make fun of jewish people as well. be wary of posts criticizing random jewish people, using the 'stien' prefix or any other last name of that sort, or a crude drawing of a man w/ a big nose.
6. watch out for accounts that post extravagant content as well, something along the lines of this is most likely a troll trying to honeypot people who rt the post innocently in order to send them hateful imagery.
7. DO NOT MAKE YOURSELF VULNERABLE. DO NOT. If you say something like "did you even read my trigger list?" they will use those triggers against you. Do not let yourself get upset about this. They are bullies looking for a reaction.
8. Block (or if they are a mutual, re-educate) those who use a #waron4chan or any similar tag. There is no point in having a war on 4chan. It is useless. There is nothing you can do to stop them.
9. At the end of the day, many 4chan raids are failures. This is admitted by people who use the website. I posted on the /lgbt/ board asking their thoughts about it (yes, evul 4chinz has lgbt!!!) and this is what they said.
10. I personally don't worry about 4chan too much, and neither should you. They say fucked up shit, but the best thing we can do currently is ignore it and move on. As someone who's been around since the "tumblr vs 4chan" thing back in the day (and guess what, that failed)
I guess that I'm not scared of 4chan at all? It seems like a scary website, and to most internet normies it definetly is, but you can't play into the "4chan is the evil henchman of the internet" thing because that is giving them exactly what they want. Simple as that.
Oh quick 11- don't post shit randomly on 4chan about how you hate them or prepare to be called literally every name and slur in the book.
12 forgot this lol- if you have a public discord link, delete it or put your server onto lockdown (channels are locked to people who do not have a specific role)

You can thank me later!!!
https://twitter.com/Flux06621088/status/1265844215059296258?s=20 Accounts to block.
You can follow @milfdiavolo.
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