I've more reason than most to want restrictions to end, but more than that I want this pandemic to end. And if that means wearing a mask for the next year, no pubs, house parties, or festivals, if it means extended cabin fever and DIY haircuts, so what? It's a small price.
My husband died unexpectedly during lockdown and I'm living and grieving alone in the house where he died with none of my family or his here with me. My friends can't hug me. I couldn't go to his funeral and still haven't been to his grave. Then my Obaachan died in NC last week.
This would be unbearable in the best of times but it feels cruel and impossible now. And yet I'm willing to continue to be vigilant, to be without the comfort of my friends and family in order to keep us all safe.
So if I see one more person roll their eyes at me or pass comment while I'm wearing a mask, if I hear one more healthy person say, "it's only people with underlying conditions," if I hear one more person complain about being bored, I am going to go fucking off.
Let's not view this as individual sacrifice, let's think about it as collective action. Solidarity. Stop being so worried about THE RULEZ and start being worried about the common good.
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