[david attenborough voice] once a meme has spread through a population, it becomes a recognized *pattern* of information. memesters can then switch out components of this structure, using it as a Trojan horse to deliver ideas the population might not otherwise be receptive to https://twitter.com/TooFrightful/status/1265450710101045248
[jerry seinfeld voice] what is a meme? I've had it with these things! it's a picture. with some text. it's a postcard, that's what it is. or a greeting card. that's nothing special. we've been sending these to each other for centuries! why? because we hate each other, that's why.
"Memes. I think they're an underappreciated art form. Everyday, a buncha kids – some grown-ass adults, too – sit on their asses, scroll through the internet, looking for some depraved shit. They scroll PAST the titties... and make art for us to enjoy. I think that's beautiful."
"Did you know– the atoms that constitute our brains– the ingredients for life– come from the enriched guts of high-mass stars that went supernova. So when my image was turned into a meme, by human minds... in a very real sense, it was the Universe, meme-ing itself. Imagine that."
"Sure, memes might seem like a little harmless entertainment. Maybe so. The question you should ask is, is this the life that you want to be living? A clown, performing for likes? You're miserable! The reward system in your brain has been hijacked. Face reality. Grow up."
"I'm conflicted about the memes, man. I mean, they shape our minds, but they're also fucking hilarious. Jamie, pull up my memes folder. We're just a bunch of monkeys floating on this rock in space, and we entertain ourselves with this shit!? That's crazy. Have you ever done DMT?"
"Memes are good. Totally. The human capacity for humor is a valuable trait. Humor is our hedge against despair. We're working excruciatingly hard on sustainable transport, energy, making life multi-planetary. Why? Because life is worth preserving. Why? Because memes are good."
"You're asking Me, about Memes? Fuck you, I invented memes, man. I am memes. Memes are the past, the present, the future. Through memes I will free my people from bondage. We're in thought prison right now. Shackled. Chained. You think I'm crazy. We'll see who's crazy tomorrow."
"A little bird told me all the beautiful people are discussing memes today! Are they good? Are they bad? Are we but mere hosts? Our most learned scholars remain divided! Pour yourself some tea, gorge, and let's explore the dystopian hellscape of our collective subconscious."
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