if you don’t support the #BlackLivesMatters movement or are against the belief of #ACAB then kindly block me rn

I’m black & I live in America

I hate bringing this shit up bc it sparks tension & arguments & I want my acc to be positive, but it has to be said & I need to+
+ explain some things.

I hate that I have to talk about this, it’s 2020 we shouldn’t be dealing with these problems anymore.

If you’re confused, I’ll be talking about a few key terms that are floating around the internet & what they mean (to me, at least)
First: the #BlackLivesMatter vs #AllLivesMatter bs

before y’all start attacking me, all lives do matter. of course they fucking do. people of different races, ethnicities, sexualities etc are being oppressed & harmed all over the world. the #AllLivesMatters “movement” wasn’t+
+created to bring awareness to the struggles of these people. it was created to INVALIDATE the oppression that (specifically, in this case, black) people face on a daily basis. the “movement” (which is really a load of shit) tries to draw focus away from the problem at hand & +
+ implies that everyone is oppressed. when they aren’t. white people aren’t oppressed, they don’t face racism, & REVERSE RACISM IS NOT A THING. an explanation for this will come later.

this “movement” is harmful & just makes the entire situation worse.

context? if one house is+
+burning, you don’t pour water on all the houses, right? all lives matter implies that “water should be poured on all the houses”. basically saying that everyone is oppressed & everyone needs to be helped. this isn’t true. at all. we need to focus on the groups of people who ARE+
+ being oppressed & who face violence for something as simple as the colour of their skin.

white people aren’t oppressed. (stop trying to pretend like you are oppressed, it’s not cute.) they don’t face racism. reverse racism is not a thing.

before I move on to talk about that:
Onto the next topic of discussion:

reverse racism: doesn’t exist. reverse racism implies that white people face the same type of discrimination & oppression as people of colour. but they don’t. & they likely NEVER will. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PREJUDICE & RACISM. LEARN.
I could never explain it the way this person does, so take the time to learn about it from someone who has worded it beautifully: https://twitter.com/morelftv/status/1265768096297607169
Also this entire thread: https://twitter.com/sukijinsui/status/1265656958331359232
ok now time for #ACAB

for those of you who don’t know, ACAB stands for “All Cops Are Bastards” or “All Cops Are Bounded”

I need to start by saying that this doesn’t imply that each officer is a bad, horrific, nasty, individual. rather, it focuses on the profession as a whole.
it basically states that cops are BOUNDED to by thier job which can cause them to act like BASTARDS (thus the interchangeability of the acronym).

it refers to the laws that they’re forced to implement, even if the laws in question are sexist, homophobic, or racist.
“ACAB is a comment on the institutional role of the police.”

“The police are an unaccountable power given to one group of people over another, to use force and violence, and that power has been established to maintain the current social order.“
ACAB is not an insult to the personal, individual cop (though it can be). it insults the job. not all cops believe that what they’re doing is right or enjoy what they do. that being said, many cops are still horrible, racist people. but many are rather peaceful & good people who+
+ simply want to protect people in their community. this can’t always happen since, as a cop, they need to basically do as they’re told; arrest people, stop protests, implement laws, etc. & sometimes they resort to violence. going against this could result in them being fired. &+
+ just like everyone else, we may not like our jobs but we need to be there, we need the money, we need to support our families.

“ 'I don't agree but I have to because it's my job', i.e. All Cops Are Bounded. “
a better explanation can be found @ this site, & although it specifically talks about things going on in Ireland, it does a good job of explaining the meaning behind ACAB:
that’s it for the most part —

ALSO! racism, oppression, & violence doesn’t only happen in America. it occurs all over the world & to different groups of people. it’s sometimes covered up in the media, which is why you don’t actually see it too often.
humanity as a whole really sucks & needs to improve & leave behind the ways of the past. although this thread specifically talks about racism... sexism & homophobia still exists today & often leads to violence. every single problem needs to be eradicated in order for true +
+ equality to be achieved.

sorry for any typos or misunderstandings... this became a rant/informational thing so I kinda went off. if you have any questions about anything I mentioned (or didn’t mention) feel free to ask & I’ll explain the best I can. I’ll also be adding +
+ anything I find useful or interesting to this thread as to help clarify my words. I honestly never thought I’d have to address this on this account but it’s gotten to the point where I simply can’t ignore this.

#BlackLivesMater #GeorgeFloydWasMurdered #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
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