Here are 7 guidelines for covering celebrity suicides in a sensitive way, advocated by WHO and other international organisations. Media professionals, please take note and share widely. 1/n

@SachinKalbag @amritat @toymango @calamur @suchetadalal @free_thinker
1. Don’t promote suicide stories by placing them in the front pages of the newspaper or as a lead item for broadcast media.

2. Don’t give details about the method or location of any suicide death or attempt.

( @abantika77 @PriyankaPulla @soutikBBC @patralekha2011) 2/n
3. Suicide notes, text messages, social media posts, and emails of the deceased person and/or their family members should not be published.

4. Don’t speculate. Verify your facts from multiple sources when the reasons for a suicide death or attempt are not immediately clear. 3/n
5. Don’t reveal personal details about family members, the deceased person, or any person who has attempted suicide without their informed consent. 4/n

( @poliohunt @DeepalTrevedie @RichaChadha)
6. Don’t write of suicide deaths/attempts as horrific, unfortunate events. Open up your story by focusing on the celebrity’s life and their contribution to society. 5/n
7. Suicide is a largely preventable public health problem. There are several counselling services and helplines working across the country for this cause. Include these resources in your story/report.

End of thread.
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