Looting people in the name of #Flipkart. On May 18th, I have placed an order which should be delivered on or before the 26th of this month. Even customer support guys don't know what happened with the order. On 22nd shipment has reached the nearest hub still why getting late. 1/5
The worst part is the #flipkartSupport. They won't even respond properly. This is not for the first time I'm facing issues with them. A few months ago, I have purchased a mobile at Flipkart received another mobile instead of an ordered one. Such cheap. 2/5 @_Kalyan_K
They rejected my return request saying as the courier partner has confirmed delivery of the item to with the product being intact. Seriously, such a fraud. In Invoice, it's clearly written that purchased brand was One, and the IMEI number mentioned was of another brand. 3/5
After reporting this issue on twitter I got a call from Chandana S who is working from @binnybansal office. She listens to my words and said will get back to me still I haven't heard anything from her its been a long time. 4/5
To be frank, @amazonIN has better customer support than @Flipkart which I experienced. Also, I heard the same from my people. I'm not here in favor of any other e-commerce but want to share the fact. #Flipkart #Amazon #trust 5/5
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