More text descriptions of protesting, less facial-recognition and gait analysis friendly images
If you can recognize who this is, don't post pictures of protesters.
Google "low resolution facial recognition" and then reconsider posting someone's face after people in Ferguson keep mysteriously being found dead in car trunks.
On the one hand, it's dramatic imagery. It's history being made, it's people standing up to bull connor and his dogs.

On the other hand, bull connor didn't have amoral silicon valley facial recognition startups in his back pocket.
Those dramatic images coming out of protests?

Weigh whether you want to share a slice of history if it means someone "mysteriously" shooting themselves in the back two years from now
This is extra hard for white people, who can't help but share graphic violence done to Black people, whether snuff films or less sadistically satisfying videos of them being teargassed
However: for white people, that moment of violence takes as long as it does to hit retweet.

For those in the shit, that violence is always there, and cops are willing to wait to get their revenge.
It's a hard habit to break, to *not* participate in a slice of history by clicking retweet. But it's necessary if you actually give a fuck about the people making history afterwards.
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