Anybody believe in ghosts?
@loucabrera77 @Papi_Gato_ @LilWhiteBNR @RyShute4 since y’all shared y’all experiences, I’ll share mine. This one wasn’t as scary as the first experience but one night (back in 2012), I was sleeping. My dog was in the bed with me. I woke up to him barking and then ran out the door
As I woke up to him running out my room, there is a mirror next to the door. In that mirror was a lady in a white dress just staring at me. When I got up more to get a better look, the lady turned side ways she was gone.
My other 2 experiences was with the same ghost or demon. So I was spending the night at my buddy’s house. His parents were gone and it was me him and 2 of his brothers. We were playing hide and seek in the dark. Me and one of the brothers thought we seen someone in the kitchen.
So we flickered the lights and as that quick flash went on and off, me and the brother seen this y’all shadow like figure. Seemed like it was holding something like a shovel. It was just facing us. We thought it could have been my friend so we called out
“Don, come out the kitchen”. He and his little brother came out of the room to our right. Me and the brother that seen the shadow looked at each other and we both agreed on what we seen. A few nights later, I’m sleeping over there again. I wake up to rub my eyes
And that same shadow in right in front of me. I was so scared that I pulled the blankets over my face and forced myself back to sleep. I was so fucking scared that night.
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