In Minneapolis there are white armed “supporters” of the protest protecting a business and now viral Jennifer in a “Better Together” shirt starred to stab Black people to protect the Target

The thing about being Black is we have to fight both our enemies and our alleged “allies”
White leftists and liberals, including these “Armed Rednecks” and SURJ lib Do-Gooder types, get SO MAD at Black people not trusting them and having high standards for what supporting us truly means. They say we’re too extreme and ideologically pure. Turns out we’re just right.
It’s one thing to be aware of the fact that police murdering Black people is wrong. Lots of people including many centrists and Republicans are actually in agreement with that by now.
It’s another to still wish, at the cost of your life, to protect this world, as whites do.
And whites don’t get it. They want Black people to not die, but they want settler law, police, order, and capital to be safe. Even if that means arming themselves against Black people’s that different from what the cops are doing? Answer: It isn’t. Whites are cops.
To be clear the whites I’m talking about here are the “At Best” whites who will threaten you with no longer being allies if you challenge their racism or don’t like them. I know most actually don’t care, are openly fascist and actively want us incarcerated, suppressed and/or dead
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