The shamelessness of one of the backpfeifengesicht candidates like @americai sir knows no bounds

Very easy to ascribe blame on anyone's death upon Modi, isn't it? I wish all the karmic responses for such utterances soon visits you too ... read this up, Sir and repent ...
... for the day of reckoning is near (not that Jeebus returning day, that won't happen, but this is something about our own day of meeting the Maker)

Here is a story for you to consider repenting:
A sage was once sitting in front of his home weaving a basket. He heard someone calling out ‘Ram Ram’ and walking along the road but could not see him. He asked his sister who was calling out the name of God.
His sister replied that it was that brahmin, a miserable one at that, who was living down the street. He was considered, by her, miserable because he was (allegedly) living with his own daughter in an immoral manner

The sage said: You are the 100th person to repeat this scandal
He went out looking for the brahmin who had passed by his house, and called out to him.

He said: Go home in peace, your curse has been lifted!

The sage's sister understood that there was story behind the words of her brother and questioned him. So the sage told her the story:
The brahmin who passed by chanting ‘Ram Ram’ was living with his widowed daughter. They were both generous and kind-hearted. They would regularly invite sadhus and saints and offer food with love and respect. Their generosity was well renowned.
Once, a sadhu came to their home calling on them. The father and daughter served him well. The sadhu was very pleased with their seva or service and decided to bless them. He looked into them to see their future. He saw a horrifying sight in their future.
The sadhu instinctively knew that he had to reveal the truth to them and help them. He called the brahmin and told him that after his death he would be tortured by a mountain of leeches in hell.

On hearing this terrible prediction, the brahmin was shaken and fell at his feet.
While at the feet of the sadhu, the brahmin sought the reason and some means for him to escape this terrible suffering.

The sadhu said: Once when you were cooking food, a leech fell from the roof into the cooking pot and died.
No one noticed this and the same food was offered by you to a realised sage. There is a rule that whatever is given to a realised sage comes back to us a thousand fold. So there is a mountain of leeches in store for you.
Curious to know the ways to escape this punishment, the brahmin beseeched the sadhu to help him with an antidote to escape the terrible fate in store for the brahmin. The sage advised him to conduct himself in such a manner with his widowed daughter that all thought ill of them.
The sage continued that the people will be speaking badly of both of them (the brahmin and his daughter). When a hundred people had slandered them, all the bad karma would be distributed over them and the brahmin would be freed from this terrible end.
The brahmin behaved accordingly in public and all mistook him and spoke evil of him and his daughter. The sage’s sister was the 100th person who spoke evil of him and by doing so, the curse earned unknowingly was lifted off him.
When we indulge in unwarranted gossip and blame game in fits of anger, we dig our own grave. We take on the bad karma of other person provided he does not shout or scream back in return.
When we look back at the various events in our life, we find that we have totalled up a horrifying amount of karma just by bad mouthing other persons. We must learn to speak the truth but speak sweet without anger, hatred and malice.
We must overcome the need to put down others. Do you need to add more negative karma to our already heavy burden by speaking ill of others?
Modi may not be a brahmin by birth, or even he may not be the realized sage.

He, however, is a Karm Yogi and he has single-mindedly been working for the upliftment of Indians .. incredibly devotedly and with outstanding focus.
There is a lot of social sacrifice one needs to involve in to make sure that the others get their needy due in this moments of crisis. We will have ideas obviously, and opinions (as a manager told me once - opinions are like a**h**es, everyone has one & they tend to stink!) ...
... however we are not privy to the mountain of data & the constraints that Modi & team are working with.

Accordingly, we tend to believe that our ideas & opinions must be heeded to. No harm - but we should be humble enough to realize that we are one of the billion ideas ..
... that float towards Modi.

To be judgmental about him, in a sweeping statement, given that you are kula brahmin, makes it extremely karmic for you. The consequences await you .. Sir, with their sweet/bitter rewards ... for speaking a curse upon Modi.
Take care and repent (for your acts of commission & omission)

Seek refuge under the Lord's feet (not under Mlecchi Maino Mommy's feet)

May our Bhagavan bless your day!
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