I'm so sick of this #ACAB debate. OBVIOUSLY not all cops go around murdering black people, but when was the last time you heard of a cop standing up for an innocent black person? (read: when was the last time you heard of a cop DOING THEIR FUCKING JOB RIGHT)
And no, that hypothetical "good cop" is not going to get a standing ovation for doing the bare fucking minimum. So until this system is fixed, then yes, #ACAB.
And to those who don't follow me and disagree with #acab
and #blacklivesmatter : I disabled replies because there is no room for debate here, and I don't care how arrogant it makes me sound.
Being a cop is a JOB with DUTIES just like any other. A cop's DUTY to protect the innocent. Any cop who ignores their duty based on someone else's skin color is NOT doing their job right. Likewise for a cop who stands by and watches instead of performing their duty.
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