I’ll never forget the time when I was going to the LYSY tour and i stopped to stay at my cousins house for the tour,and her little yt bf was saying insensitive things about black ppl and throw around the n-word like it was nothing and she said NOTHING TO HIM
However at the time I didn’t know of this till my sister told me cause I was somewhere else at the time when it happened,when I found out, I confronted her and told her why she shouldn’t say the n-word, & w her being a “white washed af” Mexigringa she started saying things like:
“It’s really nothing here, its a small town everyone says it(small yt suburban town)”, “they say it in songs all the time tho?”,“aren’t you from like the city? Don’t u have people around you who say it all the time?”, “you go to school w black kids,I’m sure it’s not a prob for u”
I got so angry at her and told her and began explaining to her why it’s wrong in all ways, and why it was wrong of her boyfriend to say it as well, and she STILL DEFENDED HIM, but was real hurt when she asked us what we thought of her bf, like he had made a good impression 🥴
I told her “look you’re obviously ignorant, and you’ve literally lived in a small town all your life, you’re around yt kids who probably say it bc you’ve never seen a poc in your life, but where I live? but only black people have the right to say it & I listen+
I have no business saying it,&you shouldnt either,don’t ever let me catch ur bf saying that word around me bc I don’t care where we are,I will call YOU & HIM OUT on the spot, saying that to someone will get you popped in the fcking mouth, do you understand me?”
I guess the point of this thread is, shutting down ignorance and anti-blackness in the latinx community cause, that shit is not cute. I just wanted to share bc this literally happened last year.
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