men that i wish i could go back and give a fat uppercut to, for my younger self: a thread
the guy that worked at the apple store in my local mall that always hit on me and stared at me when i was 14 years old
my high school math teacher that kept me after class to help me and made a ton of wierd sexual jokes
the dude at usu, not gonna expound
the guy that sat across from me in Spanish 3 always talking to me as if i didn't know what i was doing despite the fact that i got a 94 and he almost failed
the guy in my research class who, instead of evaluating my presentation, just wrote "her hair is too messy" and "acts like a know-it-all"
my ex when he said it was selfish of me to not want to give birth and to keep my family name
the several guys that have come up to me to tell me what's wrong with my car when i was literally just checking the oil
the men that took an interest in teaching my brothers survival skills and programming, leaving me at home bc "someone needs to help with the younger kids"
was so excited to get a job as a baby research assistant at 15 but this 40 y/o guy that worked there stared at me and made wierd comments to me all the time
literally every guy that's catcalled or yelled at me, esp the dipshits that do it when I'm skiing (like ????)
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