Opinion: I can see why some protestors resorted to looting.

1. They're witnessing more unarmed blacks get gunned down/killed (Walter Scott, Arbery, and now Floyd, the list goes on and on), and they feel like their voices aren't being heard. Doesn't have to be by police.
2. There is a lot of anger when justice is delayed, a lenient sentence, or lack of consequences altogether for the perpetrator. And seeing that time and time again gets to people. While many protest, some with pent up anger will break away from the pack and start going crazy.
Do I think what they're doing is ok? Heck no. I think they should be charged, but it seems like vandalism, being loud, and taking more aggressive steps gets your message heard rather than peaceful protests. Counterintuitive I know, but who are you more likely to notice?
Also, who controls the narrative? Showing looters and vandals brings in more money and views to the media than quiet protesting.
It also doesn't help in the grand scheme of things but I see why some have taken matters into their own hands.
Overall, they see it as a more effective way to show their anger over not just Floyd's killing, but all the others that have come before him. I think some know that justice is not going to be the way they hope it is (if justice is delivered at all).
At the same time, vandalism, looting, and property damage is not the way to go.
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