"Mysteriously resurrected by an angel's heart and demonic steed" is our #highnoonsenna Chibi
[I added a touch of my cute OC Percina in there, too as her "angel's heart" that revived her to have a body.]

Thank you @LeagueOfLegends for creating this beautiful skin for her.
I tried to imitate the pose she had going from her splash art (cause that would be cool practice to do) and her braids were fun but hard! 😭❤️

But I believe it paid off! And I know she was just released today!
"We all need angels in this world, even those that don't need them."

His lantern, his light, Percina resurrects Senna by sacrificing her own body and soul. Even with it, she doesn't know how to return to her lost love. Now she's there to bring hope to those lost of paradise.
High Noon Thresh looks sad in this splash. 😭❤️ I know what can cheer him up.
"A mechanical angel" is a #highnoonashe #ashe Chibi Fanart from #ArtOfLegends #LeagueOfLegends! I feel super proud of drawing her horse and in this pose.
"Ready to protect the same mankind that has destroyed their paradise of Heaven, she too witnessed the power of their corruption but must remember the purity of the snow egless from an old friend and a surviving angel unable to be corrupted."

Thought I added some flavor.
"Trapped between angel and demon, Irelia fights from within and for her homeland."
I had to draw cute #highnoonirelia #irelia from @LeagueOfLegends #ArtOfLegends

Thank you concept artist @vladbacescu for creating her! She's beautiful. :D
I dunno but High Noon Irelia sort of looks like me with the hair style and color. It's like this is a cosplay...xD
When she said "I hope whatever brought me back is happy" as an interaction, I'm like...

Percina's happy to be with her. :( Why she gotta say it like that? (It's not like she's sad missing Thresh.)
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