If a black man can be a billionaire, another a president, another a multimillion dollar railroad executive, it is not lack of opportunity, it is lack of ability brought forth by stereotyping nonwhites as incapable of success. Where is the investment by liberal elites? https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1265684236645945344
Rather than having your donors pour millions into your campaign, why don't you encourage them to pour millions into pour neighborhoods of their choice to create opportunities for struggling communities? They could start a business in those communities and hire residents.
This would do far more for those communities than wasting millions on a political campaign for a single seat in the House of Representatives. How much will your campaign raise versus how much is poured into a single poor community in any state?
Privilege is not limited to any single demographic, but it is limited by a person's choices & to those individuals around them that discourage them to escape poverty. There are numerous stories of minority entrepreneurs in this country. No white savior made it happen for them.
These individuals that succeeded did it of their own accord by hard work & determination to escape poverty. Ben Carson is a prime example. George Washington Carver is another & he lived in harder time for minorities having been born in the 1860s.
Where are your demands for the wealthy elites in Hollywood or the New England states to pour money into poor neighborhoods? They could select the poor community of their choice, sort of "Adopt a Community" and invest in it through business startups.
Running your mouth with the supposedly huge following you have, you'd think you'd take the initiative to do this on your own or is your following really a hollow one with mostly bots controlled by a tweet program?
I help people every day learn how to save money on college, and to invest for their future prosperity. About 60% of those people are minorities, another 10% are mixed race minorities. The remainder are white. What do I charge these people? Nothing. I spend a short period of time
with them explaining everything to them. Each person is treated with the respect they should receive. Just b/c they aren't as financially up to speed doesn't make them stupid. Just means they haven't had the proper training. I often run into some of them months or years later.
They tell me that they are surprised how easy it is to succeed. Some of them started on minimum wage. I've seen some of them several years later after they graduated with no where near the student debt of their peers.
Some of them are thankful to have learned about making residual income so they are getting paid even if they aren't working, even if that amount is small at present, they understand when they hit their retirement age that it will be a healthy supplement to their retirement.
Some of them ask me if there's more to learn and I tell them there is always more to learn to become a smarter, more prosperous person. You just have to take a little time and effort to learn. Once you stop learning you stop living and that effects your future prosperity.
It disgusts me that politicians perpetuate the myth that nonwhite people are oppressed and cant' get ahead. They can if you invest in their communities, not just by dumping government money into them with no incentive to become better.
I served in the military with numerous people that were not white, Christian, or even religious and they were all capable, some at higher levels than others, to include their white peers.
Every time something doesn't go their way, it isn't b/c somebody oppressed them, was out to get them, or some other scheme. Why don't you go to a poor community, bring some of your activists pals, and not just promise, but actually invest in business there?
As stated before, hire directly from the community, no outsiders, give the entirety of the opportunity to those living in that particular community. You & your activists friends can franchise stores/businesses from fast food to gas stations.
You'd create opportunities, income equality, a sense of pride in the community as it becomes more prosperous, lift the members of that community out of poverty, help the school districts by increasing tax revenue for that district and a whole lot more.
The majority of these people can succeed with the right training & investment. Stop degrading them by implying they can't. You're supposed to be a Representative, not a stereotyping hater.
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