My bizarre paranormal experience (a thread):
Might delete later*
Somewhere in January. It's Friday, about 2:00 -3:00 when I suddenly woke up from a bizarre sensation I was feeling on both my ears. It's like someone is holding it with palms blocking the lobes. (I was the only one sleeping in my room)
(edit: it's 2:00- 3:00 am) I'm wide awake because I am surprised. The sensation is very strong that I knew it was a hand massaging my ears
I didn't looked at it because my gut feeling is telling me not to do it. So I just reach out my hand to it to feel if it is just my brother putting a prank on me
But no one was there. Afterwards, I got back to sleep and told myself "whatever..." (Mind you that it is still massaging my ears lmao)
For y'all to understand... Here is the rare footage of me and the 'ghost':
I didn't believed it that time that's why I didn't tell it to anyone.
End of thread.
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