time for some horrific stats about cops. less than 1% of all killings involving cops ends with an indictment while the citizen indictment rate is about 90%. on average a police officer kills someone ever 7 hours in the U.S.
40% of male police officers have had a domestic violence charge filed on them. ICE agents “lost” over 1000 children with speculation that they are involved in some sort of human trafficking ring. the most common form of misconduct by cops is excessive use of force
with the second most common being SEXUAL ASSULT. and then people wonder why it’s so hard to trust the people who are supposed to protect us.
and just remember: just because you’ve never had a bad experience with a police officer or someone you love is a cop, that doesn’t outweigh the fact that’s are a lot of awful people who where a badge. stats like this are hard to ignore. please educate yourselves
i just realized that in my last tweet in this thread i used “where” instead of “wear” like a dumbass. please know that i am literate, sometimes my mind goes faster than i can type and i don’t know how to proofread
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