How to look prettier (girls) 💋💄
DISCLAIMER : EVERYONE IS PRETTY. You don't have to look "prettier" if you don't want to. This is just a guide to enhance your natural features ❤
° Find a hairstyle that suits your face. Brad Mondo has some good videos on this!

° Stop using heat products on your hair! You will get heat damage!

° Stop bleaching / dying your hair so often! This can cause a lot of damage!

° Trim your hair often. It stops split ends

° Wear some makeup! This can enhance your natural features or you can even go bold and have fun! Makeup is up to you ❤

° Wash your face every morning and night. It removes dirt!

° Find skincare and routines that work for YOUR SKIN. Everyone is different!
FACE PT. 2 :

° Remove any makeup before you go to bed.

° Avoid touching your face too much. It can cause irritation and pimples!

° Eat healthier food! Fruits, vegetables, lean meats etc.

° Find workouts that work for YOU! Everyone has different bodies and fitness levels.

° Avoid under / overeating. It is unhealthy for you.

Everyones bodies are different! Metabolism and genetics come into this!
This isn't meant to offend anyone! Everyone is different! Workouts and diet won't change everything and neither will makeup. Genetics play a big part in your looks so never be ashamed of them.

I hope this thread helped you though. ❤ Thanks for reading!
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