Truth is, racism is better than tribalism.
Use the same energy to criticize the same evil in Nigeria. More than a hundred youths were killed in the southeast during what the military termed "operation Python dance" so many others killed during crocodile smile in Niger Delta
and so many other genocides that have taken place in Nigeria.

You applauded the federal government because you like the idea of killing Igbos or south southerners for demanding their rights. But shamelessly, you are at the forefront condemning America and shouting
"Black lives matter", does it mean that Igbo lives, south southerners, or southern Kaduna people's lives don't matter?

racism is evil but it's worst when you're being killed by your own people.
Condemn racism but also condemn tribalism. You can't imagine how terrible it is to
to be from the minority group in Nigeria.
Leave Americans to solve their own problem, worst in ongoing in southern Kaduna. Stop being a hypocrite, talk about the incessant killing going on,
You should be more concerned about what is happening around you.
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