I just would like to say that I am heartened by the disappearance (hopefully permanent) of the adjective “woke”. “Woke” implied a finite destination. Like some weird video game, achieving “woke” status meant that you unlocked some kind of special powers that could deflect racism
Well I know nothing, but I have some news: “woke” is not a place. It’s not a state of mind. It’s a facade to provide certain people a false piece of mind that they “get it.” Thinking you’ve achieved is already a giant exercise in privilege.
Again, I know nothing and I am trying to confront my own privilege too as I attempt to act as an anti-racist, and also someone who acts against discrimination of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, language.
I do so acknowledging that I represent the dominant group in every one of those areas. My advice: do the work because it’s the right thing to do. Identify a step to take and move toward it. Be prepared to apologize when wrong or misguided and commit to fixing it and doing better
Constantly looking for validation makes the goal the affirmation and not the action. List all you’re doing or planning on doing if you’d like for someone else’s satisfaction, sometimes that of a complete stranger. The goal should not be to be commended.
You don’t need someone to tell you “Good work” when you know the work is good. Ask yourself what else, what more can I do. Ask yourself how can you live what you say, what you think. Pause before asking directly or indirectly “is this good enough?” and first ask, “is this good?”
There is no magic checklist to earn your anti-<insert ism here> merit badge. Commit to the process forever because it’s a forever process. No one will be able to dub you an official anti-<insert ism here>. You shouldn’t even be looking for it. The process is what matters.
And there may be some reading this thread who see my photo and are readying themselves to call out my privilege. I welcome that. Shying away for fear my privilege shows means I may miss an opportunity to do more or better. I am listening and open for people to get to know me.
A false PEACE of mind. Proofread better, sir.
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