why are people just now saying shit? why weren’t you worried hours before billie said something. if billie didn’t say anything would you have said something? are you doing it for a notice, likes, follows or because you actually care? keep the same energy everyday on this topic.
do you actually care for the black lives people have lost? do you care for the fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters that were lost or do you only care because your stan spoke out about it and you want a notice too?
ive been speaking about this shit for a few years now why is it just now getting more awareness why wasn’t it getting more awareness then? how many more have to be killed for people to finally realize this isn’t for a like a follow a notice it’s
for everyone to realize how unfairly black people get treated everyday. have the same energy tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, or until black people aren’t getting killed when they’re unarmed when armed white people get told to just stop. how many more have to be killed
for this to stop.
say their names and say it loud.
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