Text “FLOYD” to 55156
Call this number. It will walk you through and connect you with numbers to call and leave voicemails to demand justice for the murder of Breonna Taylor.
Call this number too. It will walk you through and connect you to numbers to call and leave voicemails to bring justice for the murder of George Floyd.
Email these addresses and demand the arrest and conviction of all four officers involved in the murder of George Floyd.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Research the names like Ahmaud Arbery, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and COUNTLESS others we cannot even begin to list. Learn their stories. Educate yourself on racial injustice, institutionalized racism, and police brutality. #BlackLivesMatters
This thread is SOME ways I have found I can be an ally. As a white woman and cannot even begin to fully understand the pain of the African American community, and this is only the beginning of us righting our wrongs. Please tell me how I and we can do better. #BlackLivesMatters
You can follow @jewel_brams.
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