
My thing about this whole "cop killed a black guy" situation is not about the actions performed by the cop. I think it was excessive use of force and unnecessary. It is about forgiving the cop for what he has done

As Christian's, we are meant to live and act like Jesus. This means forgiving those who have wronged us and others in the worst ways imaginable. Jesus forgave all of those who had him crucified on the cross, the people who were literally murdering him.

Take for instance a personal situation. If someone murdered your Mom/Wife, what would you do? Would you think that what they did was right? No. Should you forgive the person for murdering your Mom/Wife? Yes.

So, what I'm trying to say here. Do I think what the cop did was right? No. Do I forgive the cop for killing the black man? Yes.

This is the best way I can put my opinion on the matter into perspective.

I don't normally tweet about politics or political issues, but I feel this was important to say. If you want to unfollow me for my Christian principles and values, go ahead. But I will stand by my Faith until the day I die.

Thank you for reading this thread. Have a great rest of your day and may God Almighty bless you.

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