I'm calm.

I know what will be said when the Lord starts preaching His sermons.

This ain't it.

All of this circus is the manifestation of evil earthly men. A precursor.

"See that ye be not troubled"

This is the imitation show, brought to you by the enemy of God.
Read the 2nd half of that amazing passage in the Pearl of Great Price known as the JST Matthew.

God's plagues will come with terror in the sky and death from the Heavenly Hosts [from planets]. It will be literal catastrophe, enough that men will die of fright.

This is coming.
Do not be decieved and run too and fro with every wind of doctrine and change of policy or lack thereof.

If you haven't taken the time to STUDY ISAIAH or seek the gift & spirit of prophecy like the Book of Mormon repeatedly exhorts us to do, you have rejected deeper roots.
And now - during the ramping up of the most disinformation and propaganda the world has ever seen - you will need press through that gauntlet to hurredly fill your lamp with oil, or knowledge of the spirit of prophecy and preparedness for the bridegroom's arrival.

Seek. Now.
It is time to push your roots as deep as you can dig them. Keep your eye single to the glory of God and admit to Him and to yourself that you have been slothful and distracted by Babylon.

Now change, and WANT it. WANT to be pure of heart..

It may be ye shall be hid...
This is how I write to myself in my journal.

If it hit home for you - join me in continuing to keep on [or get to] the covenant path and to seek more diligently in your personal studies and thoughts and in your questions.

The Lord needs his most valiant to be awake and ready.
You can follow @LeilandTanner.
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