Dear Tweeter. I know you have me shadow-banned. Tweeter TS. I know only you can read this so this one is specially dedicated to you in the hopes that whatever your reason is to strip my First Amendment to the United States 1/6
Constitution Bill of Rights that protects freedom of speech, you will address me accordingly so I can take the necessary action required to restore my birth-given right to communicate my message to the American people. 2/6
Racism is a centuries old slippery deceiving monster that humanity continues to underestimate. I’m as white as a human can be. 65% of Iberian peninsula ancestry with the other 35% scattered all over Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Central America. 3/6
I speak and pronounce perfect fluent English although my first language is Spanish. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico🇵🇷, USA🇺🇸 as were both my parents, as were both their parents. 4/6
I left PR for the mainland at the age of 14 and on day one of high school was first introduced to prejudice and racism over the sound of my accent. In the decades that followed I’ve experienced so many of racism’s darkest chapters and ironically, 5/6
the only reason why I’m alive today is because of my bright skin tone. Skin color is only da eyes ofda larger beast that is racism. I have been really struggling with the painful magnitude of this pandemic. But Minneapolis tipped over my glass & broke me. 6/6
05/29/20 12.11am
Tweeter. Wtf is wrong with you? Your own Second Amendment right to free speech is under attack via WH EO. @jack . Please read this thread. I’ve never gotten even a warning nor suspension. Why I’m I shadow banned? Please. I need answers. Stay safe.
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