🧵 people of color always claim to be alllies when the same racism that blacks face from whites is embedded in their cultural upbringing. same poc’s that refer to black people as 3abeed or nigger and then argue for why Moe can say nigga around his friends.
same poc’s that open liquor stores and gas stations in predominantly black neighborhoods and treat them worse than the dirt under their shoes.
these are the same poc’s that want black people to fight for their causes but aren’t lining the streets alongside us when we face injustice.
these are the same poc’s whose parents would NEVER let them marry a black person
these are the same poc’s that want so badly to be apart of black culture and the black experience until we end up under the feet of police officers in the streets
these are the same poc’s that see a black man walk into their store and assume that he doesn’t have enough money to pay for his items so you call the cops on him and he ends up dead.
unconscious bias kills too.
our experiences aren’t the same. our struggle is rooted in hate and generations of being seen as lesser or not human and white people aren’t the only ones that are complicit
im not feeling around in the dark. ive lived this. this has been my experience growing up as a black muslim woman.
i’ve had people tell me it’s my duty support a cause as a muslim and those are the same people that tell me they can’t go to my house bc my family is black or share stories about how their fam doesn’t like black people. how can you expect me to support you then?
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