NOTE: These are only my opinions. Please do not hate on me for them. I am also not trying to drive attention away from the hashtag at the moment, as it do believe it is very important. However, some things need to be said. (1/?)
I did not come to the spop fandom or to spop city for all the hate going around right now. It is kind of spiraling out of control. I understand many have very strong opinions on recent events, which is perfectly fine! Its great, even! You are allowed to have strong opinions (2/?)
However, I personally believe that hating on others for opinions, who they support (unless there are EXTREMELY clear and valid reasons for it) is wrong. Feel free to unfollow me for saying this, but it honestly does not feel right to me. I am by NO MEANS an expert. (3/?)
But, as a Christian (I do not believe myself higher than others in this regard, i believe all should be equal) the hate is too much. Unfollow if you would like, it is fine by me, but please do not hate in my replies for this. I needed to speak my mind for once. Thank you! (4/4)
Another small note to this thread: I am neutral in politics. I adore Noelle and her work. I identify as pan and support everyone. I am a Christian. I love you all and thank you so much for reading this if you did!! đź’–đź’–đź’•
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