As we get in the last #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek for the #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth I decided to make this:

how to help yourself and someone who is struggling ; a thread. | #MentalHealthMatters
first of all i want to thank @GemmaAnneStyles for inspiring me to do this.

thank you to canva for letting me make the posters, not sponz but CANVA BAKA NAMAN HAHAAHAHAAH JOKE i just love the app hehe :))
DISCLAIMER: everything i said is my own opinion, please respect. These are the tips that helped me get better and still helps. I can’t guarantee that it will have the same effect on you. So do what works for you!!! 😉
DISCLAIMER: i’m also doing this for myself, to remind me that i am brave to speak up and to let you know that you are not alone. I’m doing this to normalize speaking about mental health and to break the stigma around it. Alright, lezgooo!
this took a lot of my guts for me to post akskdfkgkgked but yeah i want to lef you know that your mental health is as important as your physical health. your mental health matters. you are loved. you are valid. you matter. you are not alone. ♄
lets start spreading awarness, lets normalize talking about mental health, lets stop the stigma, lets speak up!!!! speak even if your voice shakes. Mental health awareness should not just be this month, but let us be aware everyday. Spread awareness everyday.
as i end this thread, i want to say that i am so proud of you. carry on, fighter! trust me, everything will get better. you will get better. Stay alive to see that it does. I love you and i am rooting for you! 💛

- with all my love, Gabby đŸŒ»
You can follow @heyxgabby.
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