the police brutality.. the racial disparity.. the ongoing dehumanization, opression, n prejudice against black pocs.. i dont get it. i jst dont get how black pocs have to live in fear everyday, how how they have to go through biased hate everyday, how they have more probability
of getting abused, harrassed, disrespected, or kiIIed everyday jst for simply existing. jst bc of how stupid these fcking racists are to treat ppl depending on their skin color n race. what skin color u have, what race ur in, ur jst as important n valuable. whats so hard to
understand. fck the cops. fck the white cops for using their power n force to kill those innocent ppl simply bc of their color when they should be the last ones to do sth horrible like that. fck ppl who believe n stand with white supremacy. yall are disgusting for believing that
white ppl are superior to ppl of other races. yall are disgusting for believing tht one race being dominant over ppl of other races is right n justifiable. to my black oomfs, to every black person all over the world, i’m so sorry u have to go through this everyday. im so sorry
the system fails everyone of u every time. u don’t deserve the cruelty ure enduring right now jst bc of other ppl’s ignorance. as a non black person i will never understand the pain and fear u all face on a daily basis but i love u, i’m here for u, i stand with u always.
this thread is very helpful!!! #BlackLivesMatter
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