CW: covid-19, fatphobia
i’ve been afraid to tweet about this (bc of vulnerability and my audience) but i feel like it’s been eating away at me for awhile. I am afraid of covid-19 because I know that if I get it, I have a good chance of dying. I am a (mid) fat immunocompromised person and the idea of
catching it brings me anxiety attacks. I also live in one of the poorest parts of chicago with over 90% people of color and top 5 highest reported cases so my chances are higher than others. I think about it often and the way it has hit my community and it’s unfathomable. I dont
tweet this for pity, but rather to seek refuge with other folks who are also experiencing a lot of the same fears whether it be re: health problems, or living in places rampaged by covid. I want to invite any folks to dm me or text me if they just need a place to process.
I haven’t talked about this with anyone really bc its been hard, but i think community is essential in times like these. Thinking + empathizing + sharing my own fears just in case anyone else feels similarly but hasn’t been able to encounter such narratives unless it was through
trama, or media, or never felt like they could share fears openly. if you’ve gotten this far thank u ! i will probably delete this thread bc im a scorpio lol but 💖 seriously my dms are OPPEEEEN. We dont even have to talk abt it just share MEMEEESSS
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