Think of the musician you are most passionate about

Now think of your favorite songs by that musician

Odds are at least a few of them are obscure tracks/b sides or early songs before they got popular

It’s a great way to listen to music

But why don’t we read like this?
Think of all the great authors.

Mark Twain. You’ve all probably read Tom Sawyer.

But have you read The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

Twain’s first short story published

Of course you haven’t. But this is Twain’s B side.
You’ve read For Whom the Bell atolls by Hemingway, but have you read In our Time, his first published work.

Of course you haven’t.

This is a Hemingway bootleg.
And last but not least Is George Orwell. All this talk about 1984 and Animal farm, but can you really be an Orwell fan without reading the Road to Wigan Pier?

Of course not.

You’re just a mainstream follower.
If you love a band. You always listen to their early stuff.

Treat authors the same way.

You’ll be surprised at the gems you discover
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