Rep. Kevin Boyle is asking Attorney General Josh Shapiro to investigate how the House Republican Caucus handled information regarding a lawmaker’s positive test for COVID-19. This comes as Dems say GOP leadership failed to notify them that a member tested positive.
Since last night, another lawmaker, Rep. Frank Ryan (R-Lebanon) said he has been self-quarantining as a precautionary measure. That comes as Rep. Russ Diamond also says he quarantined.
A House GOP spokesperson said that the caucus followed CDC and Department of Health guidelines, notifying all employees that were in close contact, about 6 feet for at least 10 minutes, with Lewis.
In response to Boyle's call for an investigation, the spokesman said: "The investigation would be into the CDC and Department of Health who created the guidelines we precisely followed."
Now Democrat @SenTimKearney is joining Boyle’s call for an investigation:
Happening now: @BrianSimsPA is on CNN discussing the COVID-19 diagnosis of a Pa. state lawmaker. Sims accuses GOP leadership of participating in an "ongoing cover-up" to conceal info about who may/may not have been in contact w/ Rep. Andrew Lewis, who tested positive on May 20.
On the House floor, @RepKevinBoyle makes a motion to adjourn the House until June 8 so the legislature can develop testing and contract tracing protocols after a member announced yesterday that he tested positive for COVID-19 about a week ago.
House Majority Leader @RepBryanCutler urges lawmakers to oppose Boyle's motion and underscores the need for patient privacy.
Speaking now is @BrianSimsPA, who criticizes Republican leadership for not alerting Democrats when they first learned of a positive diagnosis among House members. At the tail end of his speech, Sims calls on Speaker Mike Turzai to resign.
Also, in a statement, @PAAttorneyGen Josh Shapiro says a criminal investigation is not warranted.
Meanwhile, House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody said that members could have been notified without revealing names.
Cutler is speaking again and says that the House must continue passing legislation to enact the state budget.
Rep. Rob Matzie, a western Pa. Democrat, says if he contracted COVID-19 he would tell all members in the General Assembly.
The motion to adjourn until June 8 fails by a vote of 110-92.
Turzai said that is he ever was tested or diagnosed that he would disclose it and immediately self-quarantine. Turzai says all members should self-disclose if the same happens to them.
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