Post reflection on events of today: I can count on one hand the number of times someone has stood up for me IRL when an Islamophobic comment or joke was made towards me.

Quick answer: zero. That’s it. That’s the tweet. And the sad reality. It’s normal and accepted.
That’s why today with Lonsberry making yet another inane bigoted comment I hoped, HOPED that would change. But it didn’t.
And that’s because bar some folks with online activism very few people IRL are willing to hold their ‘values’ to the crucible and damage relations. And by people I mean white people who have the least to lose.
So next time you call yourself an ‘ally’ of POC, minorities like me, LGBTQ think hard on whether your fit that definition and are going to walk that truth. Otherwise stop your online posturing.
I’m done for tonight.
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