A little ramble about a personal observation.
First of all, cop uniforms have always been an anti-fetish of mine. Didn't matter how hot the guy wear it was, when i was out at the Eagle and he was in a cop uniform, hard pass. 1/n
2/n Same thing with porn. Any scenario involving a LEO, nope. Total boner killer. Video, stills, written, didn't matter. No interest. No thanks.
If you hadn't guessed, i'm the son of a LEO (and 'real family' stuff squicks me the hell out, too).
3/n On the other hand, ANY military uniform?
Oh fuck yes, please, Sir.
Losing my cherry to a Marine (back before DADT when it was just 'Don't') set that really deeply into my kink identity.
4/n Then around 2005, something funny happened. i was out, i was flirting, things were going along in a nice direction, and i realized he was wearing a police uniform.
Probably some sort of riot gear variation that had become so popular around then.
5/n The look was so far removed from what a police uniform was in my mind that i'd read it as military until i looked hard at the details.
6/6 i don't think there's a particular point to this other than it wasn't all that long ago when law enforcement and military were very different things. And there's no reason they can't be again & a lot of reasons they should be very different.
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